Alma was told by an angel to return to Ammonihah. That was a very direct revelation with clear instructions. Alma obeyed. Yet it was "many days" before he was given the direction to go out and preach again. I wonder how Alma felt during the waiting. I think it would be easy to get impatient or to wonder if he had missed some part of the instructions . It might seem strange to think that resting and waiting can actually be part of God's plan.
Elder Neal A Maxwell referred to those waiting periods as seemingly flat periods of lite and suggested that our character is also tested during those important times when we may feel "underwhelmed" or tired of the routine.(I cant remember which devotional address this topic was discussed in) a -
I am thankful that feeling underwhelmed is part of the plan. I am not always required to work so constantly and always keep myself busy enough to be overwhelmed. I can take periods of waiting, even after receiving revelation giving direction for future service, with knowledge that I may just need to wait patiently for God's perfect timing. And I can be thankful He has given me a time to prepare before that new challenge.
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